Import all Data as Defined in the Meta-Model
Must be able to import data into all data types that are defined in the meta-model. For example, all Entities (Objects, Elements), their properties and attributes, Relationships and relationship properties/attributes. Any formatting and data type restrictions must also be supported. <br/>
Import Relationships
It is essential that relationships between entities can be imported along with all relationship properties and attributes.<br/>
Import can Update Existing Data
Import must not be a one-off. Subsequent import to existing entities and relationships must be supported. This means that data, when imported, can either create new data or update existing data. By default, an update will replace existing data, except for relationships.<br/> <br/>With relationships, there should be a choice to either replace all existing relationships or add new relationships to what already exist. The replace option effectively means you are deleting relationships. There should, however, be an option to prevent this if those relationships are already visualized on a diagram.<br/>