BP Trends Article Government Process Management: A review of key differences between the public and private sectors and their influence on the achievement of public sector process management.

BP Trends Article Government Process Management: A review of key differences between the public and private sectors and their influence on the achievement of public sector process management.


There is increasing interest in process-based management. Business Process Management (BPM) is gaining acceptance as an effective, holistic management philosophy and practice. Much of the process management literature focuses on private sector organizations with inherent assumptions of profit-driven, tangible deliverables and well defined customer groups.

This paper suggests nine key differences between the public sector and private sector, namely: public interest, accountability, political sensitivity, whole-of-government ecosystem, budget cycle complexity, information exchange, regulating society, machinery of government changes, and culture. It also considers, via a Force Field Analysis, how these differences influence the establishment and maintenance of BPM in the public sector.

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