Modeling Activity Set up System Options, Users, and Access Rights

Modeling Activity Set up System Options, Users, and Access Rights


When you first install a multi-user version of Corporate Modeler, you must enter various "connection strings", which allow the desktop client software to communicate with the database server.

Then, for each User who will use the System, you must create a Casewise Modeler User object, with log-on name and password (there is also an option to use your Windows Active Desktop log-on credentials).

Each User must have a "Power-Level" (which are a set of built-in access rights). Optionally, they can be part of "User Groups". Then, for each mode that is created, each User that does not have the "System Manager" Power Level must have explicit access rights assigned to that Model.

There are then a number of System options, which determine global system settings including specific access rights that can be assigned to the "Normal User" Power Level.

In addition, there is an Access Rights Console that allows access to be controlled at lower-level of granularity (i.e. for objects within a Model).

It follows from this that someone must assume the role of Model Manager to set up and control this "modeling environment".

Capabilities (that this Activity helps deliver)

Appears on



Concepts (Key Casewise Concepts)

  • Model Management Framework
  • Multi-Model Scenarios
  • Multi-User Concepts: Power Levels and Access Rights
  • System Ownership vs Data Governance


Software Capabilities \ Components (used for this Activity Area)

  • Model Explorer: Administration View > Tools > System Options
  • Model Explorer: Administration View: Access Rights
  • Model Explorer: Administration View: Users & Groups


Guideliness & Checks (Summary)

  • Meta-Model maintenance: decide who is able to change the meta-model



Documents (that describe in more detail components of this activity)