Modeling Activity Produce Basic Reports with Object Explorer, Reporter, and Auto Modeler

Modeling Activity Produce Basic Reports with Object Explorer, Reporter, and Auto Modeler


For basic "flat-file" reports, i.e. lists of objects and their properties and associated objects, you can easily generate these using Auto Modeler or Reporter. There are slight differences between the two in what you can report on, though they produce essentially the same thing (Auto Modeler downloads to Excel, while the Reporter output can be saved to Excel or HTML).

Object Explorer adds an additional option that allows you to crate filtered reports based on a query - e.g. show only those objects that were validated between two dates. Object Explorer reports can also be saved as Excel or HTML; however, they do not include associated objects.

What you cannot get using this technique is "composite reports" that combine data from two different object types. For example, you could not get say a list of Processes, their descriptions, their associated Organizations, and the Organization descriptions.

To get complex, composite reports, you need to use Communicator for Word. You can also do some clever things in Excel by combining several lists with vlookup (or other) formulas.

Capabilities (that this Activity helps deliver)

Appears on



Concepts (Key Casewise Concepts)

  • Associations & Association Properties
  • Impact Analysis
  • Object Associations


Software Capabilities \ Components (used for this Activity Area)

  • Auto Modeler: Extract \ Print Diagram Pictures
  • Auto Modeler: Unload
  • Object Explorer
  • Reporter
  • Reporterl


Guideliness & Checks (Summary)

  • Association Types: give them clear names so they are easily identifiable in the repository and for reporting purposes
  • Unloading data: "Diagram Objects" option includes only a reduced set of properties
  • Unloading data: consider the various filter options available to you
  • Unloading data: hierarchy diagrams will create an indented list but object visualization diagrams will not
  • Unloading data: Process and Organization objects have additional options



Documents (that describe in more detail components of this activity)